Category: roofing materials

Top 6 Most Common Commercial Roofing Types

Top 6 Most Common Commercial Roofing Types

What’s in a roof? Put simply, everything that you need to keep your business operations and employees safe and dry. On average, nearly 35 inches of precipitation falls every year in Wisconsin. You don’t want any of that water falling on your business operations. Water doesn’t mix well with inventory, electronics, and the...

Your Guide to the Best Flat Roofing Materials for Commercial Roofing

Your Guide to the Best Flat Roofing Materials for Commercial Roofing

According to industry reports, commercial roofing has received immense growth over the last few years. This demand can be attributed to a wave of new building construction happening throughout the country and an increase in the need to use storm-resistant products. Statistics show that by 2021, the demand for roofing will have reached $19.9...